
The Things that Annoy Me

I am not a person who is easily annoyed. This is fact, because if you knew my brother (king of the annoyed men), you would see that I, in comparison, rarely have to roll my eyes, heave a huge sigh, or take potshots at people from my head (otherwise known as expletives that don't get out). But when I do, these are the worthy things that will cause such odd behaviour:

1. People who don't use turn/merge lanes. The turn lane is not a lane that you cross when you turn, fellow California drivers, it is a lane that you get into, as in the whole car, before turning.

2. The fact that, every little once in a while, I still miss the presence of someone who is no longer here. This miss doesn't last long; it's more like a 10-second shortness of breath when I feel like I'm missing a ghost limb. Or maybe I just have panic attacks. STILL. This should not be happening anymore. Ever.

3. Service people who make jokes. I'm aware that they've had the same "hi, how's it going," conversation a million times that day, but really, it comes with the job. Why is it that they choose me to experiment on with new material? Does my face shout, "I will laugh at your jokes! I will be your best friend!"? No. It does not. I need to practice my Skapes face.

4. Being asked if I am in college. Or called a "college kid". I AM NOT IN COLLEGE. Even if you have no other category in which to put me, a single, young professional adult, just don't call me anything. My name will suffice.

5. Picking up a super-cute, nicely-cut perfect-color shirt just to find out that it's so thin even my skin-colored bra will show through. Which would require me to layer. And as we all know, I HATE TO LAYER.

6. The use of unnecessary abbreviations. Who in real life says "ep" for an episode of television? Even "pic" is a little too much for me. I can't handle it.

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