

I'm aware this is a complex issue. These are just my thoughts.

Ok, so I know that men are basically autonomous beings. They think in relation to themselves, to reason, and hopefully, are directed by God. Women are more relational and most often think in relation to other people. These two things make sense to me, and it's visible everywhere. At the base, we were somewhat designed that way.

I have many brothers who believe in submission of wives (in the best sense) to their husbands, and that men should lead women in all things spiritual and otherwise. Hey, it's in the Bible. I believe it too - it's just in the application that it becomes perverted. These men truly love Jesus and are seeking to follow him. They have my respect. But this is one of their big points and they stand strong on it.

So why, when we women come off as dependant on guys, or caring a little too much about what guys think of them, do these men fail to understand where it comes from? I know that, once glorified, we won't care what anyone thinks of us except for Christ. And we should be working to get to that point our whole lives long. But really? Doesn't it just make sense that the way we were designed at our core, from the beginning, would be the one thing that sin and Satan would pervert the most? Obviously Eve being made to support Adam made her a relational being from the get-go. And he was to lead her from the get-go. And so it is, that since sin entered the world, we are unable (duh, the nakedness) to relate on that perfect level. And women, being on the more relational side, have the hardest time with it. Of course we are going to care what men think. If you, men, are in the camp that says you're supposed to lead us, it should be obvious we are going to look to you for opinions on everything, especially ourselves. We're not so easily separated from man as he is from us. It's all wrapped up together. Intertwined.

Ok then, kiddies, let's all start leading and supporting each other the way we should. And perhaps a little more compassion for the beautiful half and our identity issues?

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