
O What a Beautiful Morning

So far this morning, I have:

lain awake for THREE hours listening to our landlord's dog bark. Not sure how the landlord slept through it or how the dog managed to bark so long without even stopping to take a drink of water.

realized I never did call my best friend on her birthday at the end of the day yesterday like I'd planned.

hit my head (hard) on the shower faucet.

hit my head on my car door as I was getting out of it, effectively knocking the sunglasses off my face.

been hit on by a so-smooth old guy in a maroon camero. eeeewww.

tracked mud on my bathroom floor from the boots I put on for work.

lookin' forward to the rest of it. if Carrie Underwood sings "Get Out of This Town" and Little Big Town sings "Lost", it will more than make up for the crappy beginning.

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