
Fast Car

Obviously my car does not like driving as much as I do. Friday it decided to just, oh, not start for several hours. My car was nice enough to let me drive to the gas station on the way to work so that I could receive the caffine required to put up with it's shennanigans for the rest of the day. But then it wouldn't start to get me to work. Wait twenty minutes; still won't start. Call a coworker for a ride, come back before lunch; STILL won't start. I had it towed to the shop and then it graciously decided to wake up and start.* It's been starting ever since. Tricky.

So it was not a pretty day. I felt ugly and I reacted ugly. Still... (hellooo Emery), the music seemed to continue to follow me. Tiny Dancer on the radio at the end of the day, and while waiting (for ever and ever) for a work contact, Tracy Chapman's Fast Car on in the lobby. Amazing. When that song was over I gave up on the work contact and went home.

Many great and wonderous emotions poured through me (but not on my face, jeez, a girl can't change overnight) during this trial at the end of a very long, trying week. Their story will have to wait another day to be told, as it is wrapped up in it's own story and will require a separate post.

Otherwise this weekend was phenomenal. Satuday was spent in a heady combination of getting to know a new friend better, hours on my own in a bookstore, and girl's night in with old friends. Holly and Sam, you lifted my spirits more than you know. Thanks. Sunday was spent with churchy people and an evening of service. I literally spent all day (9am-11pm) with one or more of my big kids. It was pretty rad, yo.

More to come this weekend with Sarah and Jill and Naph coming to town! I feel like I won the lottery!

*For which I am very greatful as funds for repairs would not be so easy to find at the moment.

1 opinionated people say...:

naphtali vail said...

Naphtali is very excited that she is coming to town : ) I hope your monday, tuesday, wed is better then your friday was. I love following your blog friend