
On a lighter note...

I have a new house. Renting. Hardwood floors. I'm working on making it home-y, but as we all know my home is not here, so... yeah I'm done with that sentence. I also got the chip in my front tooth filled and it looks all pretty and shiny and I almost got in an accident on my way home from the dentist because I was admiring it in my flip-down mirror.

I finally slept for nine hours in a row. Hoo-ray.

I'm making popsicles. But it's only in the low nineties outside. Bad timing.

I had a waffle breakfast picnic with the cutest three and six year old girls ever, after having a sleepover complete with dancing and nailpainting and smoothie-making. And digging in the dirt and nailing together a table. Sleepovers should be well-rounded in my opinion.

I made yummy frozen almond ice cream/salty butterscotch brownies. I think I need help naming my food creations.

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