
Leavin' on a Jet Plane

One of the greatest things I love about traveling, or being on vacation, is being able to relax and do the things I never get time to do anymore, like read and watch movies and shows.

I read, this weekend, The Life of Pi, and The Beautiful and Damned, and The Second Assistant. The first was entertaining with a reflective end, the third was frivolous and fun, and the second was DEPRESSING for pretty much the last half. I know, I know, what else do I expect from reading a long Fitzgerald novel? It was a really good book, but the last half just made me cringe because they kept going, and going, and didn't know how to stop. It was awful.

On the plane back (from first-class, cheers to love causing a man with a first-class ticket wanting to sit in steerage with his girlfriend and thus switch me seats) I watched Last Chance Harvey. It made me smile. A lot. It made me want to cry, but I didn't of course. And you know how you have those conversations, usually while waiting in line for something or on a long car ride, about who would play you in the movie of your life? Mine would definitely be Emma Thompson. Hands down. Not just from this movie - I've been a fan since she did Sense and Sensibility. In movies she plays the understated character, supporting in the beginning but often in the end the strongest character. In real life she is quite normal and funny, if you believe imbd at all, and is the only person ever to have won an oscar both for acting and for writing. Emma Thompson is my new fav, yo.

Oh and Ash and I watched the newlyweds on tv which is incredibly funny, the asian couple is my favorite. Definitely my main show this summer.

2 opinionated people say...:

Unknown said...

whot whot! Yeah you need to come back and watch the second week with me :) Oh and I mailed ur camera to your parents b/c i realized i didn't have your address!

Sarah said...

ooo glad you read life of pi..curious what you thought about the ending...