
note - note - note - note - note

CALVIN KLEIN loves my body. So I loved him back from my bank account. In honor of my upcoming bonus.* Two gorgeous dresses - one for summer work and the other perfect for weddings.

Sean Connery wears a ONESIE in Goldfinger as a swimsuit coverup. I watched it last night. And rewound it twice just to be sure. I don't believe a man could be more attractive in a onesie than Sean Connery: the younger years.

This summer I am going to CLIMB MT WHITNEY. I've already mailed my application for the lottery (they only let a set number of people in per day so you have to apply for dates).

Last night in the baby store (cousin's shower) a kid that couldn't have been more than eighteen months gave me the, "HEY LADY, WHAT'S UP." I knew I was looking for love in all the wrong places.

A coworker shared the comments from Rick written on her daily accounting reports last night. Apparantly we've gone from "ok" or "nice job" to HEY YA / RA RAH.

*What? They could be gone by the time I actually get the money.

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