
Rachel and Leah

So I was reading today in Genesis about the house of Israel. I LOVE Genesis, for whatever reason. Women are somehow mentioned here more than in many other books, and God is noted as interacting with them a lot. Maybe that's it? But anyway, the story of Rachel and Leah fascinates me. Here are some things I have noticed.

The first three children Leah bears are named in reference to her husband, or her identity as one who is unloved. But when the fourth came it says this: "And she conceived again and bore a son, and said, “Now I will praise the LORD.” Therefore she called his name Judah." It never notes that Jacob had a change of heart. Leah simply decided to begin to praise the Lord. God's overwhelming favor caused her to change her way of thinking even though the original issue never changed.* And guess what? Christ was born of the line of Judah! That brings me joy. And caution to name my kids well.

Not sure I'll ever get why Jacob "loved Rachel more than Leah." Is it to note the human quality in the story? I mean, Rachel was a pretty crazy, crafty woman. Even when Jacob became angry with her, his love remained. But God has mercy on Leah throughout her life. Leah never received the one thing she wanted most: Jacob's love. Rachel is called his wife twice where Leah is not. Rachel is the last (most precious) to go out to meet Esau. Leah should have rightfully had this place, as the first wife and as the eldest daughter. Yet it was denied her. Only in death did Leah receive her rightful place - as she was buried with Jacob, and Rachel was not. I don't know, maybe this mess is just another reason why polygamy is bbbaaaddd.

Side Note: I think I should become a shepardess because all those hot men who love God tend to fall for them at first sight throughout the Torah. I mean, Rachel inspired tears from Jacob.

Other Side Note: those early women were incredibly fertile. Strike fiftymillionfivehundredandthree against evolution.

*Although the issue was prevalent throughout her life, there are notes from that point that suggest that while Leah still desired to be loved by Jacob, she cried out to God about it and he heard her. An appropriate response when the world is not as it should be.

2 opinionated people say...:

naphtali vail said...

I love this story... and it is not just because it has Me in it : )

Anonymous said...

I also find the story of Rachel
and Leah intriguing. This story is a great reminder of How God is so Just. Eg;Leah. We may not always get what we want out of life. But God is always sure to give us what we need, right when we need it.