
Since, then.

Since I've spent SO MUCH TIME lately doing all the things important to me, there hasn't been much time to blog. Pictures of various activites are forthcoming, but for now this FUN SURVEY will have to suffice.
A. Attached or Single? Single. Duh. As if there's been a different answer for (cough) years.
B. Best Friend? I have several. Anywhere from four to seven if you count the bests and the bestests.
C. Cake or pie? yuck. Don't get me wrong, I still indulge, but ice cream just does it for me.
D. Day of choice? Saturday because I get to HIKE and then just generally wander about town, house, and brain.
E. Essential item? Packaging Tape. No joke.
F. Favorite color? Black.
G. Gummy bears or worms? Again, ice cream.
H. Hometown? Bakersfield.
I. Favorite indulgence? Fancy knickers.
J. January or July? July. January is butt-ugly around here. July is just as dead but people want to eat outside on the patio and there are SPARKLERS.
K. Kids? Are really not possible for me right now, but I must admit that when I got to the walmart counter to buy flashing hoola-hoops, squirt guns, a friendship bracelet kit, crayons and princess & spiderman giant coloring posters, the guy at the counter did ask the same question. I guess you could say I have about 20 big kids.
L. Life isn’t complete without? Jesus.
M. Marriage date? Not Applicable.
N. Number of brothers and sisters? one brother who is like Jack Bauer. One sister who I think wants to be Clara Barton except prettier.
O. Oranges or Apples? Apples. Oranges get messy and then sticky and smelly.
P. Phobias? None.
Q. Quotes. "Live the way you think, or you will end up thinking the way you live." -the author is on a card in my room somewhere and hopefully it isn't plagerism because I DIDN'T SAY IT. But I completely agree.
R. Reasons to smile? Those 20 big kids make me smile pretty big. So do new friends.
S. Season of choice? I'm pretty much excited for every upcoming season. Fall: sweaters, long sleeves, cooler weather. Winter: is the same as fall. Spring: getting to see green grass and wear fun skirts. Summer: The late light, and t-shirts, jeans, and bare feet. Maybe summer is actually my favorite.
T. Tag 5 people: Not sure what to say here, but how bout a random shoutout? To Leisl for making a go of it in Spain, to Sarah for whatever's makin' her so dang happy right now, to Kaila for the hugs and tellin' me she loves me, and to Olivia and Darin for bein' those people who can pick up an instrument and play it. All of those things are freakin amazing.
U. Unknown fact about me? I pinch people with my toes. And if you know that, you've been pinched and therefore probably know everything else about me that I can think of right now.
V. Vegetable? I love lima beans. With salt.
W. Worst habit? probably all that diet coke I drink.
X. X-ray or Ultrasound? X-ray? I don't know too many people who get real excited about either, except maybe pregnant people or the ones who like to watch House. Or Bones, come to think of it, which is my favorite show. So let's go with X-ray.
Y. Your favorite food? Right now I'm hooked on the Mozerella alla Caprese salad at Macaroni Grill. It's the only thing I like there but it's pretty yummy. That and the bread. Maybe bread's just my favorite food.
Z. Zodiac sign? I think I'm a libra but I was thinking about all the other questions you could ask for Z... zebra comes to mind and that reminds me of Hearst Castle and the zebras that roam free overlooking the Pacific ocean... if I was from somewhere else that would be pretty strange.

1 opinionated people say...:

Anonymous said...

two things Beth,
1) because I am out of pop culture...
who is clara ______ ?
2) what about OLD friends, don't they make you smile too?
but that was a great survey because it really was you.

love leisl (typed by leah :) )