
Under the Influence

I just watched Revolutionary Road. If ever there was a time to Do As Beth Does, THIS IS NOT IT. Don't watch it. It depressed me for a couple days. Basically this is the plot - we are a young, vibrant couple and our life will not look like others' do but then we get stuck in suburbia and it gets worse and then we get entrenched even more in suburbia even though we hate it and then we die. Seriously suffocating. At the end this is what went through my mind: I just bought a freakin' pastry blender. What the crap is happening to me? What was I thinking? But for reals, folks. My life will not look like that.

on the other hand...

Dear Jesus,

It would be really crazy awesome if you could make me (well, hopefully he's already made) a man like Daniel Craig's character in Defiance. Mmmm-hmmm. That loves you a whole lot. Because Daniel Craig as Tuvia Bielski + Christ follower = the man I want to marry. Like you didn't know that already. But I'm just sayin'.

2 opinionated people say...:

Unknown said...

I love you friend!

ever-changing said...

I felt the same way at the end of that stupid movie. Well, I don't own any kitchen appliances, so not that way, but just depressed for the suburbia life and the self-proclaimed promises that I think many people make and never really keep.
Take it from one who has been there and done (and is doing) some irresponsible and unconventional living, there is something to be said for the 'quiet life' but I don't really want to join in.